What is a Vape

Home 5 Vape 5 What is a Vape

Vapes or e-cigarettes are a smoking device that uses a battery to heat up a liquid (known as e-liquid) that can contain nicotine, like our Strip Iced products, or no nicotine, such as our Strip Zero products.
You might be surprised to find out that the first every vaping product was created all the way back in 1979 by Dr. Norman Jacobson, though due to the popularity of tobacco products at the time there was no real improvements made on the design until the early 2000s. Now in 2023 we feel our Strip products with high specification and a metal mesh coil are at the forefront of vaping technology.
One of the main reasons smokers choose to use E-cigarettes to stop their tobacco intake is because, being non-combustible, vaping is a less harmful alternative. Unfortunately, the rate that tobacco users’ relapse when trying to quit is quite high, but data has shown that by using quality tobacco alternatives success rates can increase from 20-30%. This is why vaping can be a positive aid for people looking to reduce or cut out their tobacco intake.
At Evapify SA, we have made it our mission to help the Swiss tobacco smoker in pursuing a tobacco free lifestyle by using e-cigarettes as an alternative. We do this by supplying high quality products such as Strip or Aiir that can give smokers the best chance of quitting.
For more information check out our about us page.